Oksana Markarova, 作为乌克兰驻美国大使,谁一直是乌克兰反对俄罗斯入侵的绝望斗争的坚定公众形象, 将于5月22日在电子游戏软件第147届毕业典礼上向2023届毕业生发表演讲.

University President William P. Leahy, S.J., 将在典礼上授予马尔卡洛娃荣誉学位——她将代表乌克兰人民接受这个学位, which will take place at 10 a.m. in Alumni Stadium, rain or shine.

In addition, the University will present honorary degrees to: Sister of Saint Joseph Jeanne McGowan M.Ed. ’90, president of La Salle Academy in Philadelphia; Herb Scannell ’79, a leader in broadcast media and diversity advocate; Katrina Shaw M.S.W. ’98, a nonprofit leader and force for social justice in Boston and beyond; and retired BC men’s hockey coach Jerry York ’67, one of the most successful coaches in NCAA history.

More on the 2023 honorary degree recipients:

Oksana Markarova

Oksana Markarova

Oksana Markarova was appointed as Ambassador of Ukraine to the U.S. on April 20, 2021, 不到一年后,俄罗斯开始全面入侵乌克兰,给乌克兰造成了严重的人道主义危机,加剧了全球紧张局势. Since then, thousands of civilians have been killed or injured, and some eight million Ukrainians—about a fifth of the population—are refugees.

马尔卡洛娃接受了她作为乌克兰高级外交官和海外发言人的角色, making media and public appearances, including at the State of the Union Address last year and this year, 传达她的国家所遭受的破坏,并提出国际援助和干预的理由. 她还强调了乌克兰人民的勇气和韧性——不仅是士兵,还有普通公民——并回应了一些议员和媒体对美国在乌克兰的军事行动的怀疑.S. support for Ukraine.

马尔卡洛娃作为大使的有效性反映了她在公共和私营部门的丰富经验. 她曾在乌克兰财政部担任高级职务五年, including as minister of finance. She co-authored Ukraine’s macroeconomic revival program, conducted unprecedented fiscal consolidation, and structured and coordinated two International Monetary programs. Before that, Markarova在ITT投资集团担任私募股权和财务咨询高级管理职位17年, Western NIS Enterprise Fund, and World Bank, among others.

Sister Jeanne McGowan, S.S.J.

Sister Jeanne McGowan, S.S.J.

Sister of Saint Joseph Jeanne McGowan, S.S.J. M.Ed. ’90 McGowan is founding president of La Salle Academy in Philadelphia, a Catholic grade school that serves the “poorest of the poor.” For 20 years, her leadership and vision has guided La Salle Academy, which provides every child, regardless of their families’ resources or circumstances, with a high-quality education and an opportunity to reach their full potential.

The 2022-2023 academic year will be her final one as president of La Salle.

Prior to leading LaSalle, 麦高恩修女是西费城“悲伤之母”天主教学校的老师和校长. 她于1990年获得Chestnut Hill College的小学教育学士学位和Boston College的教育硕士学位. She received an honorary degree from La Salle University in 2013.

In 2019, 天主教慈善文学协会授予她苏林神父纪念奖, which recognizes a Catholic who by achievement and exemplary life has made noteworthy contributions to Catholic ideals; she is one of only three women, and the first woman religious, to receive the award in its 57-year history. 在2022年,她被任命为北美东部地区杰出的喇沙修士教育家.

Herb Scannell

Herb Scannell

During a distinguished media career spanning four decades, Herb Scannell '79 has been a leader in advancing diversity, on-air and behind the scenes. Born in Huntington, NY, to an Irish-American father and Puerto Rican mother, 斯坎内尔通过致力于提升拉丁裔的声音,展示了他与西班牙裔根源的强烈联系.

Currently CEO and president of Southern California Public Radio (SCPR), Scannell took on his first media leadership role at Boston College, where he managed WZBC radio. After graduating in 1979 with a bachelor’s degree in English and history, he returned to New York, 在加入尼克国际儿童频道之前,我在市场营销和节目制作方面担任过各种职位, 在那里,他开发了屡获殊荣的儿童电视节目,包括“蓝色的线索?,” “SpongeBob SquarePants,、《电子游戏正规平台》(Clarissa Explains It All)——这是尼克国际儿童频道(Nickelodeon)第一部由女性主演的电视剧——以及一些展示西班牙裔角色的节目, including “Dora the Explorer” and “The Brothers Garcia.”

In 1996, Scannell was named Nickelodeon’s president, as well as vice chairman of its parent group, Viacom’s MTV Networks. 他将尼克国际儿童频道发展成为一家媒体巨头,在有线电视收视率上保持了十年之久. In 2004, Amnesty International honored him for promoting “activism, tolerance, and social responsibility.” Today, in his role at SCPR, he is working to enhance diversity in its workforce as well as its programming.

He comes from a family of BC alumni, including his father, uncle, brother, and wife, Sarah Reetz ’80, with whom he has two daughters.

Katrina Shaw

Katrina Shaw

A 1998 graduate of the Boston College School of Social Work, Katrina Shaw M.S.W. ’98 为大波士顿的社区和促进公平和社会正义做出了许多贡献.

As senior program officer for the Liberty Mutual Foundation, 她负责监督慈善投资和合作伙伴,以支持波士顿和全国各地的社区和个人. Shaw was previously CEO of Freedom House, Inc., 自1949年以来,该非营利组织一直是大波士顿地区多元化社区的支持和倡导中心. During her tenure, 自由之家建立了一个新的学习设施,并扩大了帮助超过2名学生的项目,000 underrepresented students access postsecondary opportunities.

In addition, 肖曾担任路易斯安那州城市年(City Year Louisiana)的执行董事(该组织旨在提高巴吞鲁日和新奥尔良公立学校学生的学业成绩和毕业率)。, 道富银行社区事务助理副总裁, 也是马萨诸塞湾和梅里马克谷联合劝募会的社区影响主任. 她是新英格兰黑人慈善事业和格蒂派基金会的创始成员, named in memory of her mother. The granddaughter of an Alabama sharecropper, 她将自己回馈社会的承诺归结为父母和祖父母无私的榜样.

Jerry York

Jerry York

Jerry York '67 他在母校执教男子冰球队长达28年之久,并于去年以冠军的身份退役,123 games) coach in NCAA hockey history, a five-time NCAA champion, and a National Hockey League and U.S. Hockey hall-of-famer.

He led BC to four national titles, 成为NCAA历史上仅有的三位在两所不同的学校赢得NCAA冠军的教练之一(他也在鲍灵格林大学获得过冠军)。. 约克执教的老鹰队获得了9次东部曲棍球锦标赛冠军和12次常规赛冠军. 他五次被评为东部曲棍球年度最佳教练,并在1977年赢得了斯宾塞·彭罗斯奖杯,成为NCAA一级联赛年度最佳教练.

作为一个有爱心的导师,他总是愿意在球员们在不列颠哥伦比亚省的时间里和之后支持他们, 约克执教过四名霍比·贝克奖得主(授予大学曲棍球最佳球员), 17 NHL first-round draft picks, 12 Stanley Cup champions, and scores of players who went on to successful careers in the NHL.  他还指导过多名奥运会选手,并指导了数十名后来担任NHL教练和高管的人. 他平等对待所有球员,并在冰上和冰上保持最高标准的声誉巩固了他在体育界的地位,并使他深受一代又一代曲棍球运动员及其家人的喜爱.

University Communications | April 2023