Mary Walsh in school classroom


Through an anonymous $10 million gift, the Center for Optimized Student Support, a path-breaking, 以证据为基础的方法支持学生在校内外, will be renamed the Mary E. Walsh Center for Thriving Children 以纪念三十年前创立该项目的林奇教育与人类发展学院教授.

Under the direction of Walsh, the Daniel E. Kearns Professor in Urban Education and Innovative Leadership, the center and its signature initiative, City Connects, have grown to serve 45,000 students annually in public, charter, and Catholic schools in Massachusetts and other states, as well as Dublin, Ireland. 俄亥俄州一所社区大学的学生也采用了一个项目.

“这份变革性的礼物确保我们能够维持我们的工作,并在未来扩大我们的努力,” said Walsh, 临床发展心理学家,自1989年以来一直是BC的教员. “多年来,这对我们团队的所有成员来说都是巨大的荣誉, our site coordinators, thousands of educators, and community partners who have been instrumental in this work. We are thrilled and delighted.”

该中心借鉴了儿童发展和学习方面的电子游戏正规平台,提出了“全儿”方法,即认识到学生的在校表现受到校外因素的影响, such as hunger, homelessness, trauma, and stress affect, that shape a child’s readiness to learn, Walsh said.

“我们对这份非凡的礼物感到非常高兴,”查尔斯F. Donovan, S.J., Dean at the Lynch School. “For three decades, 玛丽·沃尔什(Mary Walsh)一直在建立一个特殊的项目,改善成千上万儿童的生活. She conceptualized it, raised funds for it, built it, 委托进行的电子游戏正规平台表明,它既成功又极具成本效益. 她始终专注于发展整个孩子,这与BC的形成性教育使命非常契合. 这笔捐款将确保玛丽的项目继续造福儿童, across the United States and beyond, well into the future.”

这种变革性的礼物确保我们能够维持我们的工作,并在未来扩大我们的努力. 多年来,这对我们团队的所有成员来说都是巨大的荣誉, our site coordinators, thousands of educators, and community partners who have been instrumental in this work. We are thrilled and delighted.

At the core of the center’s approach is City Connects, 这是沃尔什和她在波士顿公立学校的同事们在2001年开发并正式启动的一种循证干预方法. 在主要为资源不足的社区和家庭服务的学校实施, 城市连接帮助教师和学校提供综合支持,以满足学生的校内和校外需求,培养他们的优势.


沃尔什和她来自不列颠哥伦比亚省和其他大学的同事进行的开创性电子游戏正规平台表明,城市连接学校的学生, when compared to peers who never received City Connects, 在学业上取得的成绩与贫穷的有害影响相当.

In addition, 沃尔什和她的同事在领先的同行评议期刊上报道了一系列的电子游戏正规平台发现, including:


•证明小学干预可以产生终身的积极影响, 降低高中辍学率,提高中学毕业率.


沃尔什对改善城市学校学生教育的关注源于她早期与无家可归的儿童和家庭的合作, 她在哪里亲眼目睹了校外问题对学生的影响.

这让我开始思考,学校如何在不要求教师成为社工或护士的情况下,提供足够的支持和资源,促进孩子们的积极发展,” Walsh said. “Schools are a natural place where, 如果我们扩大学校的资源,修改他们现有的一次性方法,只支持最困难的孩子, 我们可以制定一种系统的方法,满足每个孩子的需求并支持他们的长处. That is the goal.”

For three decades, 玛丽·沃尔什(Mary Walsh)一直在建立一个特殊的项目,改善成千上万儿童的生活...她始终专注于发展整个孩子,这与BC的形成性教育使命非常契合. 这笔捐款将确保玛丽的项目继续造福儿童, across the United States and beyond, well into the future.

Today, Walsh says, 城市连接的循证方法可以在任何学校实施,但在学生在学校和更广泛的社区获得服务和机会有限的学校尤其有用.

From its beginnings in a few Boston schools, Walsh has led its growth into a program that serves 45,000 students through the work of BC- and school-based staff members, affiliated researchers, and collaboration with more than 1,000 teachers, principals, and school professionals.

 “我们能有今天的成就,要归功于电子游戏软件和林奇学校的支持,以及所有在BC大学和全国各地学校工作的City Connects员工的努力, and now Dublin, Ireland,” said Walsh. “It has been an enormous effort. 没有人能单枪匹马地做到这一点,也没有人能从单一学科或职业的角度做到这一点.  我们是一个多学科、高度敬业的专业团队. It is a true team effort.”


 “他们的重点是支持学校里每个孩子的优势和需求,以一种全面的方式,当然是针对学术,但在他们的社会情感发展的背景下。, their physical health, their family and family strengths and needs,” she said. “And the community. We tried to actualize the phrase ‘It takes a village.’ It takes a system.”

Ed Hayward | University Communications | February 2022