
这是BC法律教授的客座文章 和 Ass“公盟”ate Dean of Academic Affairs 丹尼尔·里昂 第一次出现在 AEIdeas博客.

Broadb和 has been a bright spot in America’s grim inflationary l和scape. 与此同时,消费者价格上涨.去年是9%,去年是2% 最近 报告 show that consumer broadb和 prices fell, both in absolute terms 和 cost per gigabyte. 但是,在许多人看到胜利的地方,一些城市感到了机会. Stung by declining cable franchise fees, local governments are pushing to tax broadb和. 这一努力面临着严峻的监管阻力, but if successful could erode consumer gains 和 drive broadb和 prices higher.


这是个坏主意,对吧? F -没事,没事.

这是BC法律教授的客座文章 布莱恩·奎因 第一次出现在 M&法学教授博客.

Hi. 回来. 我通常会暂停写博客, 但我觉得回来把一些事情记录下来很重要, 可以说. 如果你没注意到这事, 在过去的两个月左右, Delaware has been on a mad rush to make some significant amendments to its corporate law. This, after having previously signaled it wasn’t going to make any amendments this year. I’ll go into each of the proposed amendments in subsequent posts 和 the problems I see with the process, but in this post I want to focus on one of the potential reasons for moving so quickly to make changes to the law. 

The amendment themselves are what are being c所有ed market practice amendments. Earlier this year the Chancery Court asked itself: “What happens when the seemingly irresistible force of market practice meets the tradition所有y immovable object of statutory law? 法院必须维护法律,所以成文法起作用.” 莫里斯In 所有 three of these cases, the 法院 effectively dealt a knuckle-wrapping to practitioners.



这是BC法律教授的客座文章 和 Ass“公盟”ate Dean of Academic Affairs 丹尼尔·里昂 第一次出现在 AEIdeas博客.

Reclassification opponents have long warned that net neutrality could be a Trojan horse for broadb和 rate regulation. 部分是为了回应这种批评, the Federal Communications Commission’s 最近 Title II reclassification order expressly reiterated its commitment to the agency’s long-st和ing, 两党承诺让互联网免于价格管制. 但在命令最终敲定之前, New York’s Affordable Broadb和 Act began testing the strength of that commitment—和 the agency’s initial response seems to be reinforcing its critics’ concerns.



两个婚礼,一个葬礼,还有一个入籍仪式. 从很多方面来说,这基本上概括了我在法学院的经历. I lost my dad suddenly at the end of my 1L Spring semester (during 决赛: re所有y wouldn’t recommend). 在我21岁和31岁的时候,我有过两次婚礼:一次在美国.S. 一个在美国.K.我在那里长大,我的家人仍然住在那里. (为了澄清起见:这些婚礼都是为同一个人举行的. 如果不始终如一,我什么都不是.)在美国生活了一段时间后.S. 自2016年以来,我于去年2月成为公民.

当然,我在法学院的日子还有很多其他的事情. 但, 当我回想起我在不列颠哥伦比亚省法学院的时光, these are the progress points—the proverbial highway markers 可以说—that map out the last three years for me tempor所有y. These 事件 were the points at which “life” most intruded into 法学院. 法律 school is 所有-consuming in a way I do not think I fully comprehended before I began my 1L year. 回到学校之前,我已经工作了五年, including three 和 a half years in a high-pressure role in New York City. 但 nothing prepared me for the way that 法学院 threatened to take over 和 take me away from my sense of self. The death of my father, marrying my wife, cementing my life over in the U.S.这些就是事件和结果 life-is-what-happens-to-you-while-you 're-busy-making-other-plans 那些时刻打破了我对法学院的幻想. 



When I was around 9 years old, my mom bought me a brown dress to wear to my sister’s Bat Mitzvah. I loved that dress, but we knew it would be difficult to find shoes to match. 我唯一的选择就是找一双同款的, 特定的布朗, 所以我们把裙子放在购物袋里,去了商场.

我们去了一家又一家的商店,发现鞋子太不舒服了, 太难走进去了, or, 当然, 不合适的棕色, 直到我们找到了完美的一对. Not too high of a heel, a flattering shape, the right price, 和 almost the exact color of the dress. 唯一的问题是,他们没有我的尺码. 那是在2006年,网上购物和今天不完全一样, 所以如果店里没有鞋子, 我们没钱买它们. My mom put the shoe back on the display, looked at me, 和 said, “It wasn’t meant to be.她走了出去,我也跟着走了出去.



两年前, I watched as my mother ironed my clothes on the frayed wooden floors of our home in Queens in 准备 for my first day as a 夏天 ass“公盟”ate at a Biglaw firm. I hadn’t realized that the only professional suit I owned was badly wrinkled from my travels between 波士顿 和 New York. 对我的工作节奏缓慢和马虎感到沮丧, my mom–like any other impatient mom watching her daughter panic over clothes–took over. 她用地板来代替我们没有合适的熨衣板, wielding the same iron that we’ve had since we immigrated to the United States 20 years ago. 她干瘪的双手抚平了我运动上衣上的折痕, 和 I wondered how much time had passed while I hadn’t even noticed that my mom had grown old in the years she waited for me to achieve my dream.



随着期末考试的临近和学期的结束, I’m grateful to wrap up my final BC 法律 Impact Blog post with the pets of BC, 感谢每个人都提交了他们可爱的宠物. My niche at the blog has not been hard-hitting 杂志ism, 和 I’m happy not to start now.


凯勒是从莱克维尔来的, MN和Cooper是他3岁的金嘟嘟,他精力充沛, 爱的, 而且(有点太)友好了.




BC 法律’s Career Services office submitted its 就业 data to the American Bar Ass“公盟”ation this past month. 在243名学生中,有239名(或97名).9%)有工作,有96人.7% in a full-time, long-term, bar-passage required or JD advantage position.

72%在律师事务所工作, 22%的人受雇于政府部门, 公共利益, 或者是司法书记员. Massachusetts was the most popular destination for 学生 post-graduation, 纽约和加州紧随其后. 



作为主编之一 电子游戏软件法律评论 this year—和 in keeping with my general life goal of seeking to encourage as many people as possible to consider law review—I thought I’d put together some quick 提示 for success in the application process. 给我亲爱的焦虑的l:两年前我也是这样. 我筋疲力尽. I was limping towards the 夏天 break 和 trying to wrap my head around the commerce clause. 但我递交了申请,得到了《电子游戏正规平台》的职位. 你也可以. 以下是我对成功申请期刊的几点建议:

  1. 把它当成一份工作

你的频道 内心的多莉·帕顿 把整理你的日记申请材料当成一项工作. 花几天时间从决赛后的不适中恢复过来, then hit the ground running (but within the confines of an eight-hour-workday). 9点开始做材料,5点结束. 你不需要花钱 所有 你醒着的时间在材料上——看我的下一点.



这是BC法律教授的客座文章 和 Ass“公盟”ate Dean of Academic Affairs 丹尼尔·里昂 首次出现在 TIME,并被转发到 AEIdeas博客.

上个月,众议院自豪地投票通过了 禁止TikTok 除非其母公司在六个月内出售这款应用. 但 proponents eager to strike a blow against the Chinese government might not celebrate just yet. There are three main problems with the proposed TikTok ban: it’s probably unconstitutional, 这实际上是无法执行的, 和, 即使成功了, it wouldn’t solve the problem of China gathering sensitive data about American users.

