荣誉项目 - Senior 的sis

的 荣誉项目 is open to all majors with a GPA of 3.5 .历史, 在论文指导老师的指导下,以原创电子游戏正规平台和写作为中心. 的 six-credit program involves a seminar, one-on-one consultations with the advisor, 还有一篇50-60页的论文.

符合条件的大四学生有机会以学院学者的身份写一篇12学分的论文(算作四门高年级选修课). 的 Scholar of the College program follows the same timeline, 但论文的要求更广泛,论文涉及一个更雄心勃勃的项目.

If you are hoping to go to graduate school in the humanities, 你应该认真考虑写一篇论文,因为它会让你对那种水平的工作有一种感觉.

But you need not have graduate school in mind to write a thesis. If you want to bring all of your undergraduate training to bear on a single, challenging project the honors program is for you. 论文经历, 选择一个话题, 电子游戏正规平台它并写出一篇原创文章将以你从未遇到过的方式挑战你. It is also incredibly rewarding. 与其他高年级学生一起工作以及与获奖教师一对一的合作是一生难得的经历. 这样的成就是文科教育的高潮,将为你的一生成就奠定基础.




Submit application for 荣誉项目 to your thesis advisor

  • Work with advisor to write up a proposal for your project, 5-7 pages including a preliminary bibliography.
  • 你的指导老师会在给委员会的信中评估你的建议,信将由 2024年3月22日.
  • Committee will read applications to evaluate their viability.

参加荣誉论文研讨会3学分课程(HIST 4961)学院学者参加高级独立电子游戏正规平台6学分课程(HIST 4961和HIST 4921)

  • 史黛西·穆里斯将于4月份与您联系,并指导您如何注册相应的课程.

E-mail Notification of results

  • 如果被录取,你将和你的导师一起起草一份暑期电子游戏正规平台计划.
4月18日电子游戏正规平台 Plan due to thesis advisor
六月至八月Conduct 电子游戏正规平台 according to plan




  • 提交课程作业
  • work on chapter while continuing to research
秋季-春季You should have regular consultations with your advisor
春天参加3学分的荣誉论文(HIST 4962),并继续与导师一起完成论文. 学院6学分高级自主电子游戏正规平台项目(HIST-4922)

Final Draft of entire thesis due to advisor.

  • 你将向你的指导老师提交一份论文的纸质版和电子版, who will forward it to the Honors Committee.

What does the thesis look like at the end of the process?

论文本身应该是大约50-60页长,通常包括多个章节. 它应该装订在一个透明的塑料活页夹中,既可以牢固地固定书页,又可以在不打开扉页的情况下阅读. Plastic binders are available at most stationary stores. You can also get it bound more formally at the campus printer. 点击这里了解更多细节.

论文本身是一个令人印象深刻的成就,但你也可以利用进一步的出版机会. 的re are two different kinds of publishing opportunity. 的 first and easiest is to deposit it with the 电子游戏软件 eScholarship repository. 的 second involves an application and editing process to an undergraduate journal. This process is more involved than asimply placing your thesis in a repository, but it is more prestigious and has the potential to reach more readers.

Questions about the honors program or Senior 的sis?

教授. 迈克尔玻璃


If you have additional questions, please contact 教授. 迈克尔玻璃, director of the honors program.