Pilgrimage Course

Pilgrimage is a religious journey to visit a holy site or holy person, and such journeys are found in many religious traditions. In Christianity, and in the Jesuit tradition particularly, 长期以来,当人们经历主要的成长阶段,寻求与上帝相遇,以更深刻的方式认识自己时,朝圣一直占据着中心地位. 

Pilgrimage Dates:
May 22 - June 5/6, 2024

Why Do We Practice Pilgrimages?

St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, 去蒙特塞拉特朝圣时,他经历了人生中一次重大的转变. All Jesuits since St. Ignatius themselves make pilgrimages as part of their formation. Students at Jesuit schools have made pilgrimages for nearly 500 years. This course continues that long tradition, 通过提供一个体验式的学习机会,学生可以学习神学, 哲学, and history of pilgrimage in the Christian tradition, particularly the Camino de Santiago in Spain, and then make a pilgrimage together as a class.

We know that taking a walk can clear our heads, help shake a headache, prompt the emergence of previously unexpected solutions, or set a rhythm for stimulating conversation. 散步有时与思考结合在一起,在锻炼身体的同时也开阔了思维. 西方的思想传统有边走边反思和边走边反思的悠久历史, but some walks offer greater spiritual significance than others. 

This course will provide some of the theological, 哲学, 以及历史资源,这些都是在圣地亚哥之路——基督教世界最伟大的朝圣路线之一——上进行长时间散步所需要的,这是我们作为个人和阶级群体进行反思和辨别的时间.

Facets of Pilgrimages


A way of connecting with and reflecting upon the non-human world.



招生 & 承诺


  • 春季学期7-8次课堂会议(大约每隔一周)
  • 2 night weekend retreat during the spring semester
  • 从2024年5月22日开始,在西班牙进行为期17天的朝圣(如果西班牙不可能,可以选择其他地点)

Because of the unique design and intention of this course, 以上每一个组成部分都是获得课程学分和在小组中建立社区和信任所必需的. 另外, 这个课程要求参与者在恶劣的户外条件下连续13天每天徒步大约15-18英里.

The group will be limited to 10 undergraduates, (新生, sophomores and juniors only), the faculty instructor, a graduate student assistant and a chaplain (when possible, 耶稣会). Students will be approved for enrollment based on academic interests, 成绩, and previous relevant experience. 
本课程仅通过申请,面试和教师批准方可电子游戏软件. 请查看下面的朝圣常见问题以获取更多信息.

Frequently Asked Questions

要想让散步成为朝圣之旅,它应该是一次前往具有精神意义的地方的旅行, 但它也必须以一种有意识的对转变经验的开放来进行. 我们是几千年来朝圣历史的继承者, 行走成为回应上帝召唤的生活模式.