
The 化学系 offers students a flexible curriculum to acquire a knowledge of chemistry within the environment of a liberal arts college.


Lynne A教授. 奥康奈尔
Merkert 111

R教授. 梅茨
Merkert 317

生物化学是一门跨学科的专业, 由生物系和化学系共同管理. The major provides the student with a broad background in biochemistry 和 related courses in biology 和 chemistry.




chem1109 - 1110 普通化学I-II(6学分)
chem1111 - 1112 普通化学实验I-II(2学分)
chem1117 - 1118 荣誉现代化学I-II(6学分)
chem1119 - 1120 现代化学实验室I-II(6学分)


chem2231 - 2232 有机化学I-II(6学分)
chem2233 - 2234 有机化学实验室I-II(2学分)
chem2241 - 2242 有机化学I-II(6学分)
CHEM2243 有机化学实验室(1学分)

CHEM2234 有机化学实验室II(1学分)


CHEM3322 无机化学导论(3学分)
CHEM3324 无机化学实验室(1学分)
CHEM3351 分析化学(4学分)
CHEM3353 分析化学实验室(0学分)
CHEM4465 生物化学导论(3学分)
chem4475 - 4476 物理化学I-II(6学分)
CHEM5552 高级化学方法I(4学分)
CHEM5554 高级化学方法实验I(0学分)


math1102 - 1103 数学/科学专业微积分I-II*(8学分)
MATH2202或MATH2203 多变量微积分(4学分)
PHYS2100-2101或PHYS2200-2201 物理入门I-II(8学分)**
phys2050 - 2051 物理实验入门I-II(2学分)



我们生活在一个巨大而复杂的宇宙和自然世界中, 从最大的星系团到最小的亚原子粒子. Science is our way of making sense of 和 underst和ing nature through systematic observation 和 experimentation. Scientific knowledge is organized through logical, theoretical, 和 mathematical frameworks. 注意发现和技术对我们社会的影响, 我们寻求将科学理解应用于人类的最终利益.

Student learning outcomes for chemistry courses that satisfy the core requirement for the natural sciences


  1. 扩大 他们对原则的理解, body of knowledge 和 investigative strategies that comprise chemistry 和 its applications
  2. 开发 化学和科学素养将促进好奇心, 尊重科学的方法, 以及对科学结论局限性的普遍认识
  3. 识别 科学发现的作用, 过去的, 现在和将来, 在人类健康等相互关联的问题上, 社会福祉和地球可持续性
  4. 欣赏 the role of science 和 chemistry in defining their relationship with the natural world 和 their position within the cosmos.

Each of the following courses will satisfy one core course requirement in the natural sciences:

  • CHEM1105   化学与社会I
  • CHEM1106   化学与社会2
  • CHEM1109   普通化学I
  • CHEM1110   普通化学II
  • CHEM1115   化学基础    
  • CHEM1117   现代化学I
  • CHEM1118   现代化学荣誉II



生物学需要一年的化学入门课程, 化学, Biochemistry 和 Neuroscience majors 和 can satisfy co-requisite requirements for 物理, 心理学B.S.、环境地球科学与地质科学专业. Students interested in satisfying the Pre-Health requirements will also need to take one year of introductory 化学.

Students must take the 化学 lecture, laboratory 和 discussion sections concurrently. 两门入门级化学课程是:


提供了多个部分. This course must be accompanied by the co-requisite CHEM1111 General 化学 Laboratory I (1 credit). 学生可以注册所提供的任何实验部分, 不管他们选择参加CHEM1109的哪个部分. Students will also be prompted to register for a supplementary discussion session (0 credits). 



提供了一个部分. This course must be accompanied by the co-requisite CHEM1119 Honors Modern 化学 Laboratory I (1 credit). Students will also be prompted to register for a supplementary discussion session (0 credits).  

The Modern 化学 course is recommended for students who have taken 和 performed well in an advanced level chemistry course in high school, 比如大学先修课程(AP), 高级国际文凭(IB)或英国A - Level. 这是化学荣誉课程的第一门课程. A score of 4 or 5 on the AP exam would be an indication that this more challenging track in chemistry might be suitable. 现代化学课程的进度加快了, 在一个学期里涵盖了一年的一般化学原理. 在大一的下学期, 这门课的学生开始学习有机化学.

在极少数情况下, 对于学生来说,注册CHEM2231可能是合适的, 有机化学, 和CHEM2233, 有机化学实验室, 在大一的秋季学期. This course of action would require departmental permission 和 is only indicated if a student feels that he/she has an especially strong background in chemistry. 在大多数情况下, a student who skips the introductory level chemistry courses would be required to take a year of chemistry at a more advanced level before graduating.

了解更多信息, 请联系Lynne 奥康奈尔教授, 本科教务主任, Merkert 111, ext. 2-3626, oconnell@dienmayhikaru.com.


The main goal of the honors program is to train talented undergraduate students in chemistry through intellectually engaging 和 highly interactive classes 和 original laboratory research.

The heart of the program consists of four one-semester courses 和 three specially designed laboratory sections. These courses are designed to teach all the important fundamentals of chemistry in the context of their significance to modern medicine 和 novel technologies. Classes are highly interactive 和 utilize the state-of-the-art in audiovisual aids. Laboratory sessions include the use of state-of-the-art instruments (NMR) 和 are designed to teach critical concepts in observation, 科学中的数据收集和团队合作艺术. Smaller class size provides nearly complete 和 open access to the faculty 和 teaching assistants (top graduate students).

荣誉课程是基于“通过电子游戏正规平台教学”的理念.“课堂上的概念是以现代电子游戏正规平台成果为基础的. 第四个荣誉实验室通常包括在一个电子游戏正规平台小组呆三个月. 在他们大二结束的时候, 大多数优等生已经选择并正式加入了一个电子游戏正规平台小组.


Selected first-year students are invited to enroll in the honors courses chem1117 - 1118 Honors Modern 化学 和 the associated laboratory courses chem1119 - 1120 Honors Modern 化学 Laboratory. These courses are taken in place of chem1109 - 1110 和 chem1111 - 1112 in the first year. 第二年, honors track students enroll in chem2241 - 2242 Honors 有机化学 和 also take CHEM2243 Honors 有机化学实验室 followed by CHEM2234 有机化学实验室. 如果你对荣誉课程感兴趣, 与教授这门课程的教授联系,讨论是否选修这门课程.


出国前, 化学专业学生必须完成以下先决条件:普通化学, chem1109 - 1110 or chem1117 - 1118 和 lab; 有机化学, chem2231 - 2232 or chem2241 - 2242 和 lab; Analytical 化学, CHEM3351 和 lab; Inorganic 化学, CHEM3322 和 lab; Calculus, math1102 - 1103 和 MATH2202; 物理, PHYS2200和实验室. 例外情况必须得到部门的批准.

为了使在国外学习的课程计入主要学分, 每门课程都需要事先获得院系的批准. 学生必须与部门留学顾问会面以获得课程批准, 深思熟虑, 和计划: 林恩·奥康奈尔教授.




电子游戏软件ACS学生分会是一个化学专业学生的组织.  Members participate in programs 和 activities that enhance their college experience 和 prepare them for successful careers.

BC ACS学生分会


Many professional chemists (certainly almost all of your chemistry professors) are members of the 美国化学学会, 世界上最大的科学学会. 美国化学学会举办国家和地区化学大会, 出版广泛的化学期刊和其他材料, 并为其成员提供许多其他服务. 在你以B的成绩毕业后,你可以成为ACS的一员.S. 化学或生物化学专业毕业, but you can join as a student affiliate for a small cost 和 receive a subscription to the weekly news publication of the ACS, 化学与工程新闻. 



ACS的地方分会, 东北段, 是美国约190个区域中最大的区域之一.S.,拥有约5000名会员. The Northeastern Section holds monthly meetings featuring speakers or symposia on topics of current interest to chemists; sometimes the meetings are held at BC. 会议开始前先吃晚饭. Students are welcome; the cost for students is nominal. 注意会议的宣传海报. 
